The Connection Between The DailyWire and The Enterprise

The Enterprise and their axis of allies needed to switch up tactics and leak information to The DailyWire

Ken Paxton, Michael Quinn Sullivan, Ben Shapiro, Ferris Wilks, Jeremy Boering

With Texas Scorecard further discrediting itself as an objective journalistic outlet in the last 48 hours, The Enterprise and their axis of allies needed to switch up tactics and leak information to The DailyWire's Ryan Saavedra about information on Ken Paxton's defense team for his impeachment trial.

Calculated Risk: Ken Paxton's Allies and The Daily Wire

The DailyWire has positioned itself as the national online content juggernaut for conservatives while striving to build credibility in journalism. They claim to have a conservative slant but strive to maintain objectivity, asserting that they are not beholden to anyone or any special interest group in the name of integrity.

If you’re Ken Paxton, it’s risky to leak to Ben Shapiro’s DailyWire, because Shapiro has heralded his empire as not being “beholden” to anyone. Shapiro's straightforward, fast-talking style raises concerns that he might outright declare "It's over. Paxton's a crook," or something along those lines. Ben is known for being no-nonsense, and such a statement would be consistent with his brand.

It seemed like a very risky move for Paxton.

The DailyWire's Nexus with The Enterprise

After a few minutes of research, Scorecard Confessions discovered that The DailyWire's only investor is none other than Farris Wilks, one of the three top financiers of The Enterprise. This information is posted on The DailyWire's website:

DailyWire About Page
“The team launched The DailyWire in 2015 with an initial investment of $4.7MM by Farris Wilks… and has driven exponential growth with no additional outside capital.”
“The DailyWire, LLC is wholly-owned by Bentkey Ventures, LLC (formerly Forward Publishing, LLC) which is itself owned by Jeremy Boreing, Ben Shapiro, Caleb Robinson, and Farris Wilks.”

Considering this fact and the close-knit ownership circle of The DailyWire, it is more than reasonable to believe that after Texas Scorecard revealed themselves as opposition researchers disguised as 'journalists,' The Enterprise needed a new media strategy. They required someone who would not only run with their narratives but also allow them to control the narrative. This individual needed to have a reputation and trust among both the far-right audience and some mainstream Republicans. It is highly unlikely that National Review or even Shapiro himself would grant them such control unless they had financial leverage over the coverage, as The Enterprise's Farris Wilks does. Wilks has given Shapiro 4.7 million reasons why he would cover the Paxton case exactly how Wilks wants, and based on the soft criticism of Paxton's crimes in their initial "sourced" article, it appears Shapiro instructed his team to follow orders.

The DailyWire's Departure from Journalistic Ethics

What is even more troubling is the blatant lack of disclosure in The DailyWire's article. They conveniently omitted any mention of Farris Wilks, one of their owners and sole financier, who has put millions of dollars into the pockets of Ken Paxton's campaigns, the PACs and House members defending him, and even into The DailyWire itself.

Here's a disclosure example The DailyWire could have posted:

Disclosure: One of our owners at The Daily Wire, Farris Wilks, has previously donated to Ken Paxton's political campaigns. We strive to maintain transparency and assure our readers that despite this financial connection, our commitment to unbiased and accurate reporting remains steadfast. We will continue to provide comprehensive coverage of news related to Ken Paxton while upholding our editorial standards and delivering balanced perspectives.

Instead of upholding journalistic integrity, The DailyWire reporter attempted to deceptively present an article that feigned fairness and reason. They framed it as merely a case of lawyers getting their feelings hurt, but in reality, they cited a long list of concerns about Paxton's unethical and possibly illegal actions as Attorney General. Shockingly, they also relied on Donald Trump as their primary credible source for discrediting Paxton's impeachment.

One might dismiss these as mere oversights, but when viewed as a whole, it becomes abundantly clear that The DailyWire violated multiple principles of journalistic ethics. They deliberately keep their readers in the dark about their undeniable conflicts of interest stemming from their financial ties to The Enterprise.

From Circles to Threads: How the Article Spread Within Far-Right Networks

Moreover, this article has spread like wildfire within far-right circles and RPT SREC threads, all under The Enterprise’ financial control, before mainstream media reported on it.

George Soros' Disciples on the Right

Key investors in The Enterprise don’t just fund candidates and PACs, they’re surgically following George Soros’ strategy in how to manipulate political discourse, but for the right.

A key theme with The Enterprise to always keep in mind: they’re not innovators, they're emulators, and when it comes to media empire building, they’re George Soros’ biggest fan. More on that in the months and weeks to come…

The collaboration between these entities raises significant concerns about journalistic integrity and the manipulation of information to suit particular agendas. It is evident that financial ties and undisclosed interests have compromised the objectivity of The DailyWire, leading to a skewed portrayal of events and a disregard for important ethical principles.

DISCLAIMER: Texas Scorecard Confessions is NOT affiliated, associated, endorsed by, or in any way connected with Texas Scorecard. The Texas Scorecard website can be found at