The Relentless Dishonesty Continues

Cary Cheshire is being blatantly dishonest, and he is fully aware of this fact.

Michael Quinn Sullivan, Matt Rinaldi, Jonathan Stickland, Bryan Slaton, Cary Cheshire

Scorecard Confessions has revealed shocking information about the activities of Texas Scorecard, the Republican Party of Texas, and their associates. All the details we have uncovered so far have remained undisputed, until now. Recently Cary Cheshire, the Vice President for Jonathan Stickland's Pale Horse Strategies firm, took to Twitter to refute the information disclosed by Scorecard Confessions.

Tweet Reply From Pale Horse Strategies VP Cary Cheshire

An artful dance of double-speak

Cheshire outright rejected the information brought to light by Scorecard Confessions, labeling it as "false". This dismissive attitude towards any revelation of unethical, immoral, or illegal behavior has become a recurring pattern among these organization and their allies over the years.

However, Cheshire's brother was listed in the House Research Organization Directory for the 88th session prior to Bryan Slaton's unanimous expulsion last Tuesday.

For reference, you can find his brother's name in the directory here:

Bryan Slaton's Legislative Staff Roster
Fact check: Cary Cheshire's assertion that "everything asserted is false" is blatant dishonesty, and he is fully aware of this fact.

The math checks out

This type of boldface dishonesty, as seen in the case of Texas Scorecard and its alliance with Bryan Slaton, is unfortunately all too common. The undeniable connection between Texas Scorecard, Republican Party of Texas, Pale Horse Strategies, and Slaton highlights a troubling pattern.

Evidence has emerged confirming the occurrence of a meeting at an Airbnb associated with Cary Cheshire, further compounded by the fact that Cheshire's own brother was employed by Slaton during a legislative session.

These interconnections raise serious questions about the integrity and transparency of the parties involved, suggesting a deliberate effort to manipulate and mislead for their own agenda.

Why do they insist on being so dishonest?

In the initial report by Scorecard Confessions, their actions were described in the following manner:

Texas Scorecard and their allies, with their masterful manipulation of the truth and their artful dance of double-speak, have demonstrated that their interests lie not in principled leadership, but in a carefully crafted illusion that captivates conservatives.

The motives behind the persistent dishonesty displayed by individuals associated with Texas Scorecard and Bryan Slaton's allies likely stem from a combination of factors. Firstly, it appears that there is a deep-rooted desire among these individuals to protect their own interests and maintain their perceived influence within the political landscape. By resorting to dishonest tactics, they believe they can safeguard their influence and avoid accountability for any wrongdoing they may have committed.

Moreover, ideological biases seem to play a significant role in their actions. These individuals prioritize maintaining their narrative over honesty and transparency. In their minds, the perceived righteousness of their cause justifies any means necessary to achieve their goals. This includes distorting the truth and misleading the public, as long as it serves their ideological agenda.

Interestingly, what is particularly striking is the hypocrisy displayed by these individuals. While they constantly suggest that they are morally superior to what they derogatorily refer to as the "Austin Sewer" they claim to despise, their own behavior often mirrors the very traits they criticize. This glaring inconsistency further undermines their credibility and raises questions about their true intentions.

Payment to RPT appears to have been spent on anti-gambling mailers

As revealed in our initial report, the Republican Party of Texas received $135,000 in donations right after a meeting to discuss concealing Bryan Slaton's sexual relationship with an underage staffer.

Shortly after a meeting on April 4:
The Republican Party of Texas received a generous donation of $100,000 from Jonathan Stickland's Defend Texas Liberty PAC.

Two days later, on April 6, Tim Dunn, the primary financier of Defend Texas Liberty PAC, contributed an additional $35,000 to the Republican Party of Texas.

As it happens, the funds were utilized to create a mailer that showcased RPT Chairman Matt Rinaldi.

Republican Party of Texas Mailer Featuring Chairman Matt Rinaldi

It is worth noting that Pale Horse Strategies, owned by Jonathan Stickland, represents four out of the nine organizations mentioned on the mailer as its clients. Adding to the intrigue, the mailer explicitly states that the agreement for its creation received approval from John Beckmeyer, the Executive Director of the RPT. The presence of this perplexing admission raises speculation about its purpose, suggesting a potential hidden agenda to conceal Rinaldi's financial connections and divert attention from his conflict of interest or close associations with these organizations and individuals. Such tactics may serve to obscure the trail of money and the true intentions behind their contributions.

It's well-known that Texas Scorecard and their allies are the colostomy bag boys for Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who is fervently against expanding gambling in the state.

Musical Chairs

One of the most striking observations in the Texas Scorecard ecosystem is the frequent movement of the same set of staff members.

The following information covers individual two-year periods and provides a detailed breakdown of each year according to the legislative session.

Employee 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023
Tim Hardin CoS for Jonathan Stickland Cos for Jonathan Stickland CoS for Jonathan Stickland Executive Director - TFR CEO - TFR
Chad Shoemake Legislative Aide for Jonathan Stickland Legislative Director - Bryan Slaton Political Director - RPT
Andrew McVeigh Legislative Aide for Jonathan Stickland CoS for Bryan Slaton CoS for Bryan Slaton
Cary Cheshire Capitol Correspondent - Texas Scorecard Capitol Bureau Chief - Texas Scorecard Vice President - TFR President - TFR Senior Advisor - Pale Horse Strategies
Robert Cheshire Legislative Aide - Bryan Slaton
Jeremy Kitchen Chief of Staff - Dustin Burrows Chief of Staff - Dustin Burrows Chief of Staff - Briscoe Cain Capitol Correspondent - Texas Scorecard Executive Director - TFR
Brandon Waltens Worked with Tony McDonald for Texas Scorecard Chief of Staff - Briscoe Cain Capitol Reporter - Texas Scorecard Capitol Reporter - Texas Scorecard Capitol Reporter - Texas Scorecard
Luke Macias Vendor for:
-Jonathan Stickland
-Matt Rinaldi
-Tony Tinderholt
-Texas Right to Life PAC
-Molly White
-Jared Patterson
Vendor for:
-Jonathan Stickland
-Bryan Slaton
-Matt Rinaldi
-Tony Tinderholt
-Empower Texans PAC
-Texans for Vaccine Choice PAC
Vendor for:
-Jonathan Stickland
-Bryan Slaton
-Matt Rinaldi
-Tony Tinderholt
-Steve Toth
-Jared Patterson
-Texas Right to Life PAC
-Empower Texans PAC
-Texans for Vaccine Choice PAC
Vendor for:
-Bryan Slaton
-Tony Tinderholt
-Steve Toth
-Texas Right to Life PAC
Vendor for:
-Defend Texas Liberty PAC
Tony McDonald Paid By:
-Empower Texans PAC
Paid by:
-Empower Texans PAC
-Jonathan Stickland
Paid by:
-Empower Texans PAC
-Jonathan Stickland
Paid by:
-Texas Scorecard
Paid by:
-Texas Scorecard

The prevalent nepotism among the staff members within the Texas Scorecard ecosystem serves to reinforce the alleged roles each organization played to cover up Bryan Slaton's actions.

The constant movement of the same individuals within this network suggests a closely-knit group with shared interests and loyalties. This tight-knit circle not only enables the exchange of crucial information but also creates an environment where the misconduct of one member can be easily shielded and concealed by others.

The extensive familiarity and long-standing relationships among these organizations show it is increasingly plausible they worked collaboratively to protect Slaton and suppress any revelations that could tarnish their reputations or undermine their shared agenda. The detailed breakdown of each year according to the legislative session further highlights the consistent presence of these staff members, reinforcing the notion of a collective effort to cover up and protect Slaton from accountability.

Conservatives deserve better.

Texas Scorecard and their axis of allies are like O.J. Simpson in his white bronco, frantically trying to cover up their efforts to protect Bryan Slaton. It's an absurd charade that rivals Simpson's wild attempt to escape accountability. And to make matters even more ludicrous, there are not-so-quiet implications that Slaton could return to the scene of the crime next session. Their audacity knows no bounds. Just when you think it can't get any more absurd, they manage to take it to a whole new level.

DISCLAIMER: Texas Scorecard Confessions is NOT affiliated, associated, endorsed by, or in any way connected with Texas Scorecard. The Texas Scorecard website can be found at